Product Overview  /  Research

Research and Psychometrics

Years of research and testing led to the development of this valid and reliable Self-Determination Assessmentinternet. For a complete investigation of the research, development, and psychometric properties see the SDAi User's Manual.

SDA User's Manual Contents

  • Overview of the SDAi
  • Model Components of the SDAi
  • Uses of the SDAi
  • SDAi Instruments
  • Psychometric Properties of the SDSS-SF (Short Form)
  • Psychometric Properties of the SDSS, SSPPS, SDAPS
  • Administration of the SDAi
  • References

Download a PDF of the SDAi User's Manual.

Self-Determination Assessmentinternet

Alan Hoffman, Ed.D.
Sharon Field Hoffman, Ed.D.
Shlomo Sawilowsky, Ph.D.
Age Range
SDSS-SF: College and College-Bound
SDSS: Middle and High School

SDAS: Self-Determination Adult Scale
    by Longsdale Publishing
Administration Time
Student Scale-Short Form (SDSS-SF)
    20 to 30 minutes
Student Scale (SDSS)
    30 to 50 minutes
Parent Perception Scale (SDPPS)
    10 to 15 minutes
Advisor Perception Scale (SDAPS)
    10 to 15 minutes
Qualification Level
No specific qualifications necessary
Online (Administration and Scoring)

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User's Manual

Download a PDF of the
SDAi User's Manual.